Monday, 7 December 2015

What is Xuan Kong Feng Shui? 玄空飞星简说

What is Xuan Kong Feng Shui?

A popular school of Feng Shui being practiced by majority of Feng Shui Masters in SEA.

Xuan Kong are 2 Chinese characters, which had been largely translated into time and space respectively. However to the many Chinese residing in SEA, Xuan Kong are also not common words used in everyday life. So it is quite mysterious to the native people as well. 

The underlying principles of Xuan Kong is however easy to understand. Basically there are Feng Shui energies generated by VISIBLE landforms (mountains, water or objects of the external environment), then there is Xuan Kong - the time-based Feng Shui energies which are INVISIBLE, dynamic and not affected by physical environment.

Therefore, you can appreciate why good or bad Feng Shui does not last forever. Simply because even if the landforms does not change dramatically, the time factor will alter the quality of the energies in the same spot over time.

Begging the next question, since we cannot see or feel the energies, how do we measure it? 

Fortunately, Xuan Kong had been practiced for a very long time. Particularly, this school of Feng Shui was popularised and documented properly by a notable Grandmaster Shen in the Qing Dynasty. 

Since then, the Xuan Kong energies formulas had passed down successfully from one generation to the next. As such for now, we are also aware precisely what Xuan Kong Energies are visiting at a particular year, month, day and even hour. Hopefully this knowledge will endure the passage of time after our generation as well. 

Briefly, a cycle of Xuan Kong will last for 180 years. The 180 cycle is chopped up and classified into “Three Ages & Nine Periods”. Each of the 9 periods will last for 20 years, then a cluster of 3 periods will form an Age.

For the ease of dissemination of knowledge, the periods are numerically classified from 1 to 9. However you might want to note that every number represents the position of a Star in the Big Dipper (which has 7 main stars & 2 supporting stars). Every star has a name, carried different energies (different element) and has the power to affect the calculations of Feng Shui Masters for a particular 20 years at one time. 

The main 7 stars are: 

Tien Shu 
Tien Shuen 
Tien Ji 
Tien Chuen 
Yu Heng 
Kai Yang 
Yau Kwang 

However the stars are not all powerful and benevolent at the same time. 

For now in 2015, the star 8, 9 and 1 are considered prosperous, in effect or “dated”. While the rest of the stars are considered as “out-dated”. 

There are 2 particularly hated stars causing sickness and misfortune - 2 & 5 respectively. 

So all these stars are included into a Feng Shui Calculation and it is our mission to “cure” the bad stars to downplay the misfortune and “energise” the good stars to bring about human prosperity. 

One example:

In Xuan Kong terms, we are now in Period of 8 (from 2004-2023). All the houses which are built from 2004 - 2023 will carry the prosperous energy of 8. 

It is believed that if key human structures in a Yang House e.g. living room, bed room. main door etc are built in alignment with the Xuan Kong of the Period 8 energies, its occupants will enjoy prosperity in almost all important human aspects of life e.g. good health, good wealth and no difficulty in producing descendants to carry on the family lineage. 

Throughout our life, a human being of lifespan 80 will experience roughly 3.5 to 4 cycles of Xuan Kong Feng Shui. Therefore we can also observe humans “high” and “low” in the lifetime. 

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Does good Feng Shui expire?

According to 三元风水 where Xuan Kong Flying Stars had originated from, energy patterns follow a fixed “schedule” of 3 Ages and 9 Periods - 三元九运. 

This golden schedule runs for 180 years and the period will change every 20 years. Currently we are in Period of 8, which will last from 2004 - 2023. 

In Period of 8, symbolically it represents youthful energy, the element Earth, mountain (艮卦)and energy of 8 is prosperous in the NorthEast direction. 

In real life number 8 is regarded as universally lucky for the chinese, we also see many young (youthful) leaders raising to prominence  e.g. Google’s Larry Page and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, successfully building empires which in the past will had taken at least a few decades of hard work. 

Fact: Currently today, the network of Mark Zuckerburg is a billion (USD) more than Hong Kong Tycoon Li Ka Shing. Mark is certainly much youthful compared to Mr Li.

Earth also represents properties and high tech industries. 

Like medicine, beneficial properties often comes with side effects.  Unfortunately also,  earth-based calamities will take centre stage in Period of 8. 

Therefore from perspective of Xuan Kong Flying Stars, masters will adjust Residential Feng Shui to take advantage of the period 8 energy where ever possible, depending on the configuration of residence. 

Although landforms might remain the same but good Feng Shui energies surrounding the spot do not last forever ... at least according to compass school of thought. 

So yes, Feng Shui does have an expiry date. Do take note of that. 

Energy patterns will change its path when transiting into a new period in 2024. Locations enjoying current good feng shui will shift to another facet then, in another period. 

However in many cases, it does not warrant big changes e.g. demolishing the house for rebuilt. In most cases, minor changes only are sufficient to exposure the habitants to good area. E.g. opening a door in prosperous direction. 

Xuan Kong Flying Stars is one of the most commonly practiced in the market today. 

It is slightly more complicated than much-loved 8 mansions Feng Shui, takes effect faster and seemingly a lot of more accurate as it looks at of 24 mountains, each mountain occupying 15 degrees versus of big directions of East and West Groups only.  

From 2024 - 2043, we will progress into the age of 9, where the prosperous energy move to the Fire element, which is celebratory in nature, the 离卦 and in the South direction. 

Till then, Period of 8 is the King. 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

易经 - Different experience each time

Most people, if not living under a rock and have a internet connection ... will know 易经, the book of change exists.

易经 (I Ching) is crowned as the classic amongst the classics. Widely translated into various languages infiltrating multiple cultures and massively applied into many aspects of life e.g. Morse code, business & war strategy, philosophy, divination tool etc.

孔夫子 - 十翼 Ten Wings

Many people has gotten famous based on speaking on their knowledge of 易经, many famous people has gotten even more famous and successful because they are able to APPLY the 易经,  gaining fame and money out of writing books and motivational talks etc.

Importantly, many people had found strong passion in decoding I Ching and understanding much more about life as a result.

So what lies (pun non-intended) in the seduction of I Ching? 

Why is this so?? I know too little to comment.  However, the seduction of 易经 for me lies in its versatility.

Like it or not 易经 is everywhere, exists in multiple systems, it kept appearing before me, no matter how far i had ventured away from it.

For the sake of staying grounded in the mystical world of metaphysics - I have adopted a philosophy for myself for now - to only focus only on 3 things in metaphysics.

3 is a special number

1) To diagnose - Bazi or Four Pillars of Destiny

2) To cure - Feng Shui and heightening awareness

3) To confirm - I Ching divination / The book of changes - 易经

Today's experience of I Ching is transpired by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Frankly speaking, I did not know who he is until today when I was researching in Bazi. 

Historians branded him as the Aristotle of the 17th century because his knowledge is niche and specialized, yet marco and mass-market. 

He is a expert mathematician, recognized philosopher in the German Empire, a lawyer and an aristocrat. 

My favorite quote of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, translated loosely being "Our Universe (我们的宇宙) existing in current consciousness (在某种意义上), is certainly the best one created by God (是上帝所创造的最好的一个)."   

So what is the deal of I Ching with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz? 

Because he is the Inventor "The Binary Code (二进制)" in 1679 had identified and qualified the similarities of I Ching system with his own creation of the Binary Code. 

Gottfried is currently noted (in google at least) for his attempt, in numericalizing the 8 basic trigrams into what humans now understand and accepted as "The Binary Code" (irony being, he was using the longstanding history of I Ching to give weigh and verify his then revolutionary theory of Binary Code, which (surprise surprise!) was rejected as science in his time")

Below, please find Gottfried's amazing explanation of how the Biblical God created the world in 7 days based on the binary code (which he had invented), supported by the I Ching (which had existed way before his time. 

Day 1 -  (Mountain) Trigram. 001 - God Created The Heavens
Day 2 - 坎 (Lake) Trigram 010 /  000 - Floods and nothing else.
..... till Day 7:  (Heaven) Trigram 111: Millions of substances created, today God decides to rest. 

Note: Unfortunately, I cannot find the missing literature from Day 3 onwards. Will try to find it and update. Also in advance, I apologize to all experts (in the biblical, metaphysical, scientific and worldly world) for lack of clarity and mistakes. This is an attempt to translate from the text as much as possible without losing the essence of it. My personal opinion will not kill the world, as we know it. :) 

Now i shall rest and have some Bak Zhang. Happy Bak Zhang Festival yo!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Correlation of 5 elements in Bazi and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Historical records, current living practitioners of both fortune-tellers and TCM physician had all told us one thing. 

The 5 elements of Wood, fire, earth, metal and water forms the foundation of everything in the world. The 5 elements are the bricks where systems were built upon. 

The ancient theory of everything, are in the little elements. I will even go as far as to say that those elements found on the our periodic table are actually the descendants of the 5 elements. 

The fortune-tellers make their predictions based on the positions, intensity, dynamic relations of the 4 elements in people's birth charts based on birthdays. While the TCM physicians treat diseases based on the Magic farmer manual of medicinal herbs aka 神农本草经. This book is one of the earliest documents containing information of 365 different herbs and their properties. Yeah, in the olden days the chinese actually started to observe and record everything down. The wealth of information are consistently collected and verified about the course of 6500 years at least. The authentic accuracy is very high. However then comes the cultural revolution, President Mao's pet project. Most precious information had been destroyed by fire. 

The first few chapters of the Magic Farmer Amazing Manual of Medicinal herbs are almost the same as the books of fortune telling. Its all about Yin-Yang, Qi and the 5 elements. 

Hence the chart as above, the classification of things according to the theory of 5 elements. Human organs are classified according to the elements. When one of the elements, or two or three went into overdrive, the body is no longer able to maintain harmony. Like the western concept of homeostasis, balance is the key.