易经 (I Ching) is crowned as the classic amongst the classics. Widely translated into various languages infiltrating multiple cultures and massively applied into many aspects of life e.g. Morse code, business & war strategy, philosophy, divination tool etc.
孔夫子 - 十翼 Ten Wings |
Many people has gotten famous based on speaking on their knowledge of 易经, many famous people has gotten even more famous and successful because they are able to APPLY the 易经, gaining fame and money out of writing books and motivational talks etc.
Importantly, many people had found strong passion in decoding I Ching and understanding much more about life as a result.
So what lies (pun non-intended) in the seduction of I Ching?
Why is this so?? I know too little to comment. However, the seduction of 易经 for me lies in its versatility.
Like it or not 易经 is everywhere, exists in multiple systems, it kept appearing before me, no matter how far i had ventured away from it.
For the sake of staying grounded in the mystical world of metaphysics - I have adopted a philosophy for myself for now - to only focus only on 3 things in metaphysics.
3 is a special number
1) To diagnose - Bazi or Four Pillars of Destiny
2) To cure - Feng Shui and heightening awareness
3) To confirm - I Ching divination / The book of changes - 易经
Today's experience of I Ching is transpired by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Frankly speaking, I did not know who he is until today when I was researching in Bazi.
Historians branded him as the Aristotle of the 17th century because his knowledge is niche and specialized, yet marco and mass-market.
He is a expert mathematician, recognized philosopher in the German Empire, a lawyer and an aristocrat.
My favorite quote of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, translated loosely being "Our Universe (我们的宇宙) existing in current consciousness (在某种意义上), is certainly the best one created by God (是上帝所创造的最好的一个)."
So what is the deal of I Ching with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz?
Because he is the Inventor "The Binary Code (二进制)" in 1679 had identified and qualified the similarities of I Ching system with his own creation of the Binary Code.
Gottfried is currently noted (in google at least) for his attempt, in numericalizing the 8 basic trigrams into what humans now understand and accepted as "The Binary Code" (irony being, he was using the longstanding history of I Ching to give weigh and verify his then revolutionary theory of Binary Code, which (surprise surprise!) was rejected as science in his time")
Below, please find Gottfried's amazing explanation of how the Biblical God created the world in 7 days based on the binary code (which he had invented), supported by the I Ching (which had existed way before his time.
Day 1 - 艮 (Mountain) Trigram. 001 - God Created The Heavens
..... till Day 7: 乾 (Heaven) Trigram 111: Millions of substances created, today God decides to rest.
Note: Unfortunately, I cannot find the missing literature from Day 3 onwards. Will try to find it and update. Also in advance, I apologize to all experts (in the biblical, metaphysical, scientific and worldly world) for lack of clarity and mistakes. This is an attempt to translate from the text as much as possible without losing the essence of it. My personal opinion will not kill the world, as we know it. :)
Now i shall rest and have some Bak Zhang. Happy Bak Zhang Festival yo!